Sun Protection Vulnerability Checklist, Please Check It Out!

When it comes to sun protection, you must focus your efforts on key points, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort. The existence of these loopholes will greatly reduce the effectiveness of many sun protection, so you must pay attention to it. 1.Have you chosen a three-dimensional sun protection strategy? […]

How To Choose Whitening Ingredients According To Your Skin Type?

Niacinamide, 630, 377, arbutin, tranexamic acid… So many whitening ingredients, which one should we choose? Which whitening ingredient do we need most at this stage? Depends on the sensitivity of your skin If you want to choose the most suitable whitening product for you, the first step is to look at your skin’s sensitivity. Licorice […]

Dotting? Push away? Circle? What is the correct posture for applying sunscreen?

Sun protection is the foundation of all beauty treatments (including whitening, anti-aging, freckles, etc.). If you don’t use sun protection, it’s all in vain. Sunscreen is an important (but not the only) sun protection measure. Its sun protection effect relies on the formation of a uniform and complete sunscreen film on the skin surface after […]

What Are Some Common Anti Acne Ingredients?

Anti-acne ingredients are one of the solutions many people seek when dealing with acne problems. These ingredients can reduce breakouts and help improve the condition of your skin in different ways. 1.Salicylic Acid Salicylic acid is an oil-soluble beta-hydroxy acid that penetrates into hair follicles to remove excess oil and dead skin cells, reducing clogging […]

30 Must-Know Skin Care Ingredients

The sooner you know, the sooner you can develop good skin Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle ingredients Bosein, Vitamin C, Blue Copper Peptide, Retinol, Peptide, Fullerene Hydrating and moisturizing ingredients Hyaluronic acid, ectoine, glycerin, jojoba oil, panthenol (provitamin B5), ceramide Oil-controlling and acne-removing ingredients Retinoic acid, salicylic acid, azelaic acid, fruit acid, benzoyl peroxide, Pionin Anti-inflammatory and […]

Top 10 Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

Endogenous aging: that is, natural aging. As age increases, free radicals, glycation, and endocrine changes occur, collagen and hyaluronic acid are lost, and the skin naturally becomes thinner, elasticity decreases, and fine lines appear. Extrinsic aging: refers to the skin being affected by external factors such as ultraviolet rays, haze, electronic radiation, staying up late, […]

What Are The Best Whitening Ingredients?

The coveted brightening skin has become the ultimate goal of modern people’s pursuit of beauty. However, among the many whitening products, how to choose the best ingredients has become a headache. This article will reveal the gems in the world of skin whitening to help you achieve radiant skin. The Most Classic: Vitamin C And […]

10 Top Whitening Skin Care Ingredients

In today’s beauty and skin care market, whitening ingredients have attracted much attention because they can help the skin restore a bright and even skin tone. Antioxidants Ultraviolet radiation can promote the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), thereby activating tyrosinase and inducing melanogenesis. Antioxidants can neutralize oxygen free radicals and reduce the stimulation of […]

The All Around King Of Skin Care? Is Ectoin Really Such A God?

Efficacy and effects of ectoin 1.Antioxidant and protect cells from damage Ecdoin can scavenge free radicals, inhibit lipid peroxidation, and protect the skin from environmental pollution and ultraviolet radiation damage. The protective effect of ectoin on cells causes water molecules to effectively bind near the membrane to form a stable and protective complex. The effects […]

Ergothioneine skin care benefits

Ergothioneine, alias: ergothioneine. The main function of ergothioneine in cosmetics and skin care products is as an antioxidant, whitening and removing freckles. The risk coefficient is 1. It is relatively safe and can be used with confidence. It generally has no effect on pregnant women. Ergothioneine is not acne-causing. Ergothioneine has coenzyme-like properties and participates […]

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